Key BPD documents on the need for partnership approaches
Current partnership context in water and sanitation
Extracts from BPD’s 2008 business plan that highlight where the sector has been and where it may be going.
The purist's partnership (note)
A look at how partnership language frames unrealistic expectations and a call to be honest about the challenges of multi-sector partnerships.
Plotting partnerships
Partners are often torn between various goals. Tensions exist between delivering services and informing policy; between regulating delivery and stimulating innovation. By plotting their course, partners can focus their energies and maintain a sensible balance.
Perceptions of partnership
Unpacking what public, private and NGO partners may offer, following an early workshop series.
Benefits of partnership to the public sector
Why should the public sector seek help in serving poor customers? A review of what multi-sector partnerships are and the benefits and concerns around such partnerships for the water and sanitation sector.
Benefits of partnership to business
Examining the benefits to business of working in partnership to serve poor customers and asking why private companies should be concerned with serving the poor.
Benefits of partnership to civil society
Looking at the benefits to NGOs and civil society organisations of working in partnership to reach the poor.