Key BPD documents on innovative utilities
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Emerging PPP Trends in the Water and Sanitation Sector
Using Public-Private Partnership (PPP) implementation guidelines as the basis for analysis, this paper, supported by Swiss Government agencies SDC and SECO, explores experts’ perceptions of recent trends in PPPs and where such mechanisms are heading. Based on interviews with 21 professionals active in the field, the analysis focuses on four areas: contracts, regulation, finance and stakeholder engagement.
Guideline series on improving governance in water and sanitation PPPs
Based on the PPP Policy Principles and Implementation Guidelines by Swiss Government agencies SDC and SECO, the following six practitioner notes compiled by BPD provide guidance for all kinds of partnerships in the water and sanitation sectors:
Accountability & transparency | customer focus & results orientation | poverty responsiveness
power-balanced partnership | sound financing & proactive risk management | water resource protection
More tools for improving PPP governance
Other BPD publications
Innovation and partnership (note) | full report
How eight partnerships found new ways to provide water in poor communities.
Education and awareness through partnership (report) What can utilities learn from NGOs about education and awareness? What added value does the private sector bring through a ‘customer approach’?
Cost recovery through partnership (note) | full report
Partnerships can help utilities improve cost recovery – but context is crucial and gains need to be entrenched.
Community-focused partnerships
How can community-focused approaches scale-up and develop ownership within government? Read about one NGO’s experience in Tanzania.
Community engagement
Community engagement can be a vague concept. Use these tools to map out what it really means in partnerships.
Public sector workshop report
In the early days of BPD, it brought together public sector bodies from eight multi-sector partnerships. This document captures their viewpoint, experience and recommendations.
Benefits to the public sector through partnership
A short overview of some of the main benefits (and challenges) of multi-sector partnerships for public sector bodies.
Latin America and the Caribbean seven cities study (unpublished)
On behalf of WSP, BPD undertook a review of the institutional relationships in seven cities in Latin America and the Caribbean, and found that these locations are hotbeds of innovation when it comes to getting services to poor communities. Please contact us for further information.