Examples of previous donors and clients

AFD (Agence Française de Développement

- French Government)



Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Coalition of NGOs in Water & Sanitation

(CONIWAS - Ghana)

DFID (Department for International Development

- UK Government)

DGIS (Directoraat Generaal Internationale

Samenwerking - Dutch Goverment)

DWAF (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

- South African Government)

FHI 360

Florida International University WA-WASH

(funded by USAID)

Freshwater Action Network (FAN)

GIZ-WWF-SABMiller Water Futures Partnership

Global Environment and Technology Foundation (GETF)

International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

Rotary International / Foundation

SDC / SECO (Swiss Agency for Development and

Cooperation/ State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

- Swiss Government)

Suez Environnement

USAID (United States Agency for

International Development)

Veolia Water


Water Integrity Network (WIN)

Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council


USAID-TCCC/TCCAF (The Coca-Cola Company &

Africa Foundation) Water and Development Alliance

Water for People

World Bank and World Bank Water & Sanitation

Program (WSP)

Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)