BPD training

'Developing Partnerships in Practice' course

BPD's Developing Partnerships in Practice (DPP) course is designed for water and sanitation practitioners and policymakers and feeds into the organisation's broader capacity-building work. The overarching objectives of this partnership training are to:


  • Increase awareness of available information and resources on partnerships in water and sanitation
  • Build and develop practical partnering skills
  • Support the application of skills and knowledge to current partnership challenges


The training has been held 11 times in East, West and Southern Africa, and has proved extremely popular with water and sanitation practitioners and policymakers. Comments from previous participants include "you INSPIRE me to move forward in the right direction... you've given me new ideas and renewed energy"; "the programme has helped me and my organisation to enter into partnerships with other stakeholders in the WASH sector"; and "I really enjoyed working with you all and have learned a lot".


Course outline

The contents of this course are driven by real needs on the ground, as revealed by extensive research and practice. Each includes some formal presentations, but the main focus is on exercises that explore existing knowledge and skills, and on applications and reflections that apply these to real-life situations through peer-to-peer learning. Course to date have been structured around key partnership themes including:


  • Partnership structures and typologies (including public-private partnerships)
  • Mapping stakeholder incentives
  • Partnership communication & leadership
  • Conflict resolution / interest-based negotiation
  • Partnership evaluation & assessing partnership effectiveness
  • Engaging environmental stakeholders
  • Sanitation entrepreneurs
  • Engaging independent water and sanitation providers


 Please contact us us for further information.

Previous partnership training (DPP) courses